Monday, December 27, 2010

What are we as human beings?

We are all divine creatures.  We are creatures of spirit anchored in matter.  Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that the blood anchors our spirits to the body.  Therefore, 'life blood' is not an idle observation.   May you all have a divine 2011!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Acupressure?

Acupressure:  the Portal where Mind, Body and Spirit Connect.
 Many alternative healing practices have been in use prior to the birth of Christ.   All alternative therapy forms -  whether it is acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, herbology, reflexology or massage -  have survived many changes in political and social climates and the associated validation, or not, by those in power.   
 Currently there is an up-swelling of interest in alternative medical practices for many reasons, including but not limited to, the absence of negative side effects as well as a whole-body sense of well-being.  
 If your symptoms respond to an acupressure treatment, it is a gentle therapy that doesn’t hurt, doesn’t require your liver or kidney to process a medication, doesn’t conflict with another system in your body, doesn’t create an addiction for which you must suffer withdrawal – to name only a few benefits.  If you request treatment for a backache, you may find that your diarrhea also goes away, or a nagging leg cramp disappears.   Don’t be surprised if you complain of shoulder pain, and your shoulder is never touched in the treatment.   The definition of “pressure point” is a place in the body that has a direct link to, or acts on, another part of the body.    It is time for our medical community to take a serious look at Acupressure as another healing alternative.

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