Monday, May 9, 2011

Hoarding..... in mind, body & spirit

Old Shoes.   As I put on this crummy old pair of shoes, the right toe flapping loose, the whole shoe swimming slightly on my foot – it occurred to me (actually, I had an epiphany) I could throw these shoes away!   What an idea!  The only reason I have all of this old crappy clothing laying around is that I don’t throw it away!   Does anyone else find herself(himself) with ratty, old stuff that you somehow can’t (don’t) get rid of?!    It’s a large intestine issue.   In Traditional Chinese Medicine, holding on or hoarding are functions of an imbalanced large intestine meridian.   Often it also is reflected by … you got it …. Constipation.     It isn’t that uncommon for me to do a session with someone and they will say later his/her constipation went away.   One of the great ‘side effects’ of acupressure are the side effects!    So.   If you are constipated, try throwing something away, or clean a closet …. Or recognize and honor and release an old hurt, grudge or grief.    Our bodies hold our joy and our hurt just like we hold onto unusable shoes.    Happy Monday – may we all have joy in the beauty around us, and within us!

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