Friday, April 8, 2011

My Personal Gall Bladder Cleanse

What I have noticed about Body Talk, a body tapping type of bodywork, is that it is very detoxifying.   While that is usually good, I began to notice that I had a pain under my right rib.   That pain is a classic symptom of gall bladder pain.   Since the gall bladder stores bile for the liver, it is also a great holding place for stones and all kinds of debris.   If my body is detoxifying,  it only makes sense that the liver is detoxing, too – and sending gunk to the gall bladder.   Adding that to our typical American diet which already stresses the gall bladder and liver.   I’ve researched liver/gall bladder cleanses before, but never done one.   Now I have.   I will admit it isn’t fun.   I used a combo of Paul Pitchford’s “Healing with Whole Foods” and Dr. Hulda Clark’s detox programs.    The steps are pretty simple.   Step 1:  eat a lot of apples, preferably green, and drink apple juice for one day.   That softens the stone.   Step 2:  drink a concoction of Epsom salts and water 2 times toward evening (even worse than it sounds!).  That relaxes and opens the bile ducts.    Step 3: drink an olive oil/grapefruit/lemon juice concoction and go to bed.  This purges the liver and moves the stones and junk out of the gall bladder.    This morning I was supposed to drink 2 more drinks of Epsom salts to clean the bowels.   Since that seemed to be happening pretty well with what  I’d already taken, I passed on the grand finale.    Today the program is light eating – fruit, vegetables, whole grains, no fat, meat or dairy.   By tomorrow I’m supposed to feel like a new woman.   I’ll let you know – but the pain in my mid-section is gone.    Liver/gall bladder cleanses are recommended twice a year, according to Dr Hulda.   Maybe that’s enough time to forget how that Epsom salts tastes.
Ps.   I chose not to do an intense analysis of the results, so I have no evidence of stones or other interesting keepsakes.   So don’t ask.  But I do feel better!

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