Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Insomnia.    Those who don't experience it, can't imagine it.   Rolling over, rolling back, the mind on its own little hamster wheel - around and around!   There are two types of insomniacs - those who can't get to sleep and those who wake up in 3 am and can't get back to sleep.  

I had a very strange experience a couple of nights ago.   I had been having trouble going to sleep for a few nights, and that isn't common for me.   If I have trouble sleeping, I wake up at 2 or 3 am and can't go back to sleep until 5 or 6 am, then I have to get up at 7 am - it makes for a short night.   I've done some of my best work between 4 and 5 am!  

But I digress:   I had been tired before I went to bed and thought I would just drift gently off to dreamland - but no.   I closed my eyes and the weirdest thing happened:  it was like seeing the back of my retina (ala the eye doctor visit) but it was just popping in and out and back and forth.   I opened my eyes then closed them again, same thing.   I'd gone to Des Moines a few weeks ago and gotten a session with Fonda Hall, my Body Talk instructor, and one of the techniques she'd used was the "Switching" technique.   This is part of the Body Talk™ self-help regimen, too, but I hadn't used it for awhile.   Seeing all of that strange light show made me think of it, though, and it 'deSwitched' myself in a few minutes.  I had the best night's sleep that I've had for a long time.   

If you are troubled with insomnia, you might give me a call and check out the different techniques that help bring a body back to balance!

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